Company Bodies - Azienda Sanitaria locale di Matera

We Present Ourselves | Company Bodies - Azienda Sanitaria locale di Matera

Company Organizational System

The Company Bodies:

  • Strategical Direction
  • Board of Auditors
  • Board of Directors


The Strategical Direction:

Operating Units


The Boarder Bodies

  • Board of Health
  • Conference of Mayors
  • Ethics Committee
  • Zonal Advisory Committee
  • Commitee of Guarantee Act
  • Independent Assessment Body


The Board of Company Director

The Board Director is a support member of the General Direction with advisoy capacity,proposing and monitoring.The Board Director is constituted and appointed by the General Director,in implementation of the art. 17 Dlgs n. 229/1999,and in accordance with the specific discipline assigned to the Region of which article II paragraph of the above article.

The composition,the tasks and functions of the Board of Direction are defined by internal rules.


The Board of Health

The Board of Health is an elective body of the Company with technical health advisory functions and is chaired by the Medical Director.


The Conference of Mayors

The Conference of Mayors is the organism which competes, in regional indications, the definition of the general directions of social-healthcare ASM program.

To it expects in particular way:

  • Estabilishing the guidelines for the implementation of the Local Development Plan
  • Deliver an opinion on the multiannual balance and on the financial statements of ASL
  • Deliver an opinion on the work of the Company’s General Director
  • Appoint a member of the  ASL Board of Auditors
  • Elect ,inside ,the Representation of the same Conference.


The Conference is composed of all the Mayors of the Municipalities that represent the ASM territory.


Ethics Commitee

By the Resolution of the Regional Council n.930 of July 2012 ,was set up the Unique Regional Ethics Commitee (C.E.U.R.) at the Health Department ,Safety and Social Solidarity ,Human Services and to the Communty of the Region Basilicata in implementation of art.16 of the regional law August 4,2011 n.17,which provides for the estabilishment of such a Unique Regional Ethics Committee in place of the individual Company Commitee,in order to make uniform throughout the region deepening and spread of issues related to the activities aimed at the protection of public health and the advancement of the medical and biological sciences.


The Zonal Advisory Committee

The Mixed Company Advisory Committee and of District actively participates in monitoring and improving the quality of services offered,encouraging wider participation in the decision-making process of performance monitoring.


Indipendent Assessment Body

The Indipendent Assistment Body is a boarder body,composed of three members appointed for three years (renewable once),by the General Director of the Company.

The Body,under Article 14 of Legislative Decree n.150/2009,takes place, within the company,a major role in the process of measuring and evaluating the management structures and the fulfillment of obligations of integrity and transparency in the administrations.

The Body,among other tasks,performs operation monitoring functions of the Total System of the assessment of transparency,preparing an annual report on the state of the same,valid report on the performance of which the Article 10,guarantees the accuracy of the measurement processes ,evaluation and rewarding,according to the guidelines dictated matter of ANAC under Article 7,paragraph 3,and 13,paragraph 6,lett.b),d)and e) of the Legislative Decree n.150/2009,whose correct application is entrusted to the responsability and supervision.

The Body supports the administrative-political body in the definition of strategic goals,promoting the coordination and identification of responsability for those ones.

It contributes also ,through the measurement system and evaluation,to the alignment of the staff behavior at the mission organization .To this end,the Body makes known to the staff the performance goals and supervises the regular communication on the progress of achieving the same.


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