Intercompany Departments - Azienda Sanitaria locale di Matera

Health Departments | Intercompany Departments - Azienda Sanitaria locale di Matera

Intercompany Departments


Interdepartment Children’s Neuropsychiatry
Interdepartment of Reumatology
Interdepartment of Ophthalmology
Interdepartment of Orthopedics and Traumatology



Complex Structure Intercompany


S.C.I. Infectious Diseases attested to AOR San Carlo
S.C.I. Gastroenterology attested to AOR San Carlo
S.C.I. Forensics Medicine attested to AOR San Carlo
S.C.I. S.I.T.R.A.attested to AOR San Carlo
S.C.I. Planning and Control Management attested to ASP
S.C.I. International Information Services attested to ASP
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